Our services

Metataxis provides a wide range of services that help you get the most value from your information. We tailor our services to suit you and your needs, so wherever you are on your information journey we can help.
Microsoft 365 Design
Teams, SharePoint, and M365 apps

We provide technical and information management support to help you maximise  value from Microsoft 365.

Information Architecture
Metadata, Taxonomies and Ontologies

We can help you structure and classify your information to leverage the information’s full value.

Information Strategy 
Management and Operating Model

We provide information strategies to help you navigate complex information environments to achieve your goals.

Information & Records Management
Retention and Disposal

Our records management service advises on and delivers retention and disposal management programmes.

Information Discovery
Information Inventories and Audits

We provide information inventories and audits to help you make the best system design and strategy decisions.

Information Governance 
Governance, Policies and Procedures

Our information governance service ensures you embed information policies, procedures and systems effectively.

GDPR & Data Protection


Information Migration & Implementation


Taxonomy & Metadata Development


What our clients say

Metataxis provided a combination of great practical and technical ability with information governance knowledge to get the job done.

Lambeth Council

The Metataxis team provided a comprehensive and professional report that has been used at a senior level to advocate for change.

University of Leeds

We found Metataxis to be very receptive to what we wanted to achieve, easy to work with and very focused on delivering a quality end product.

The National Archives

Metataxis are excellent at listening to the needs of the organisation, engaging with staff and present their findings and key stage outputs in easily digestible and image-rich formats.

Diocese of Salisbury

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