Information & records management

What is information and records management?

Being able to manage your data and records effectively is crucial in supporting your business to find and extract value from your organisation and records and being able to meet your regulatory and compliance obligations. Records management is the practice of managing your information and records.  This includes full life cycle management, including the implementation of information retention.

Why you need it

The lack of robust information and records management in cloud solutions such as Microsoft 365 can cause your organisation many problems. When information is poorly organised and hard to find, staff will lose time searching for information which may be out-of-date or incorrect. And by keeping all your information forever, you increase costs, risks and confusion for people trying to find the ‘right’ information.

Without implementing a clear process for the management and disposal of information, not only do you run the risk of poor decision-making based on low-quality data; you may also be in breach of data protection legislation by keeping personal information for longer than you need to.

Our services
  • Information and records management policies, strategy and roadmaps
  • File plans, business classifications, and information inventories
  • Information asset registers
  • Retention schedules
  • Defensible disposition implementation plans
  • Practice health checks
  • Maturity models
  • Implementation of information and records management improvement plans
  • System configuration and implementation
  • Analysis of requirements
Key benefits
  • Create a framework for managing your information
  • Reduce information overload
  • Comply with data protection obligations and other legal and regulatory requirements
  • Drive productivity
  • Confidently make smarter decisions
  • Reduce storage costs and potentially e-discovery costs

How we do it

At Metataxis, we have all worked in records and information management roles in organisations, so we know that what we do for you has to be practical and deliver value.

As experts in this field, Metataxis are well placed to help you with your challenges in this area. All our consultants have many years’ experience in delivering successful solutions. whether that be creating governance frameworks, strategies, retention schedules or implementing records management in systems such as Microsoft 365.

Why us?

Metataxis is an independent consultancy specialising in information management and information architecture services.

We believe that the key to any successful information system is that it has an information architecture and information governance framework which supports user and business requirements, and is appropriate for the organisation’s information and technology estate.

| Success Story

Clear recommendations helps NHS Trust securely manage files

| Success Story

Greater governance future proofs growing law firm

Making your information work