New information architecture modernises publishing business

New information architecture modernises publishing business

Information architecture supports digital transformation project 

Business drivers

Our client was a professional society that has published one of the UK’s key reference books for hundreds of years. The society needed to transform itself from a traditional print publisher to an electronic publisher and this required a detailed Information Architecture.

Key requirements

To support their digital transformation project to become an electronic publication, the publisher asked Metataxis for guidance in the design of their semantic content management system, with a focus on the management of core ontology components.

The Metataxis approach

Moving from paper-based publishing to electronic publishing was a major step change for the organisation. Metataxis helped ease this transition by sharing our information architecture expertise.

Information architecture advice
We provided architectural expertise to the core team responsible for electronic publishing.

Educational workshops
We gave educational workshops on the development and use of taxonomies and ontologies to the wider organisation.

Ontology tool selection
We assisted with the selection of an ontology management tool by providing a shortlist of vendors and guiding the RFI process.

Programme management
We supported the information architecture activities with a programme manager for the whole semantic content management programme.

Business benefits

With the support of Metataxis, this professional society was able to choose an ontology management tool and integrate this into their content management architecture. The core team has a clearer understanding of how to build ontologies with this new solution. The organisation also now has a solid grounding to take their semantic content management programme forward, setting them up for a successful transition to electronic publishing.

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