Cyber Culture

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Improve your understanding of cyber risks to boost cyber resilience

Cyber Culture is passionate about cyber hygiene. Focused on improving your understanding of cyber risks; we show leadership teams how to develop themselves and their teams to become a critical layer of cyber defence to protect your data and systems.

They provide a tailored experience for leadership teams and colleagues who manage information and data. The team of cyber experts promise to immerse you in exercises to practise how attackers might compromise your systems and data as well as the measures you can take to protect against this.

Packages include assistance to develop effective governance, ways to assess the maturity of your current cyber security measures and how to develop action plans to improve risk management and mitigations. These interactive sessions will help equip your staff with the knowledge they need to understand the important role they play in protecting your data and ultimately, improve cyber security across your organisation.

Get more information about Cyber Culture and Metataxis