Metataxis partners with Cyber Culture
Metataxis is thrilled to announce its latest partnership with cyber security advisors, Cyber Culture.
Metataxis is thrilled to announce its latest partnership with cyber security advisors, Cyber Culture.
Information Architecture expert, Alex Church, reveals why Information architecture and taxonomies are the backbone of successful information management and crucial for effective M365 & SharePoint deployment.
Discover how a new information architecture and governance framework drives usability, findability and compliance for a Central Government department.
Read how an information architecture framework delivers a modern cloud solution that improves findability, usability, and compliance for the Royal Hospital Chelsea.
Metataxis is delighted to share our series of information management podcasts created by our New Zealand team.
Read how an information architecture framework provides clarity, drives efficiencies and boosts SharePoint adoption for a UK public body.
Discover how our information architecture framework will help a public sector organisation successfully roll out SharePoint as their new records management system.
Learn how we helped Orkney Islands Council develop an Information Architecture and upskill their team to support their implementation of a new EDRMS & Microsoft 365.
Alex Church reveals 5 key pitfalls that can hinder and disrupt the success of an organisation’s Information Management project and shares his recommendations how to avoid them to support IM success.
Noeleen Schenk shares her top 5 takeaways from the recent KIMRA Generative AI Conference and the key trends about artificial intelligence.