By Marc Stephenson |

March 1, 2024

Introducing Microsoft Search in Microsoft 365

Whilst Artificial Intelligence (AI) is riding high on the peak of inflated expectations, we can often forget that there are already existing practical information management solutions to solve some of our existing problems. Ones that we can use right now, without resorting to AI. One of these is the out-of-the-box Microsoft Search configuration.

Here at Metataxis, we are sure at some point soon, Microsoft Search will be effectively (and possibly entirely) Copilot driven, but there are many things you can do to help your users find stuff.

Right now.

Microsoft Search

What is Microsoft Search?

Microsoft Search claims to “empower people to find the information they need by unlocking knowledge and expertise.”

Integrated with Microsoft 365, Microsoft Search is a secure, easy-to-manage search experience that works across all Microsoft 365 data and platforms to deliver highly relevant results. Using deep learning models and Microsoft Graph connectors, you can even index your external systems to deliver intelligent results across all Microsoft 365 apps and services, regardless of where that information resides.


How to configure Microsoft Search

Microsoft Search configuration can be set up centrally, all in one place, and is automatically applied to SharePoint, Bing, Teams and even the Microsoft 365 app to intelligently connect and consolidate information across the organisation. Having worked on dozens of Microsoft 365 implementations, we are constantly surprised that very few people are using these advanced search configuration options.

Most of them are easy to implement (accepted some are not) and can increase productivity, keep employees engaged and deliver actionable insights.

Microsoft search image

In this forthcoming series of blogs, Marc Stephenson, Director here at Metataxis, will look at these advanced search configuration features available in Microsoft 365 and present a steer on how to best use them. He’ll share with us what really works and what the documentation doesn’t explain well – or at all.

He’s gone through the pain of this, so we don’t have to! Watch this space for his next coming blog soon.

Talk to us about Microsoft Search today