Maximising the value of information for research institute

Maximising the value of information for research institute

Information discovery and data management

Business drivers

Our client was a research institute whose work informs the planning development of national energy infrastructures. To meet the demanding goals of the organisation, they needed to develop advanced data management capabilities. The institute also needed to deal with the legacy of years of information in different forms, some of which had to be transferred to agencies in the European Union.

Key requirements

The research institute needed to maximise the value of its information. To achieve this, Metataxis was asked to establish an enterprise-wide Information Strategy to enable them to develop rapidly into a data-driven organisation, and provide guidance on how best to implement and manage Microsoft 365 applications including SharePoint and Teams.

The Metataxis approach

Stakeholder consultation

Working with CODAS software, IT and senior management teams, Metataxis conducted over 40 interviews with key stakeholders.

Information discovery

Our aim was to fully understand the way information was used, stored, accessed and archived across the organisation, the major information systems in use, future plans, and any issues or concerns.

Maturity assessment

From this discovery work, Metataxis produced an Information Management Maturity model. This enabled the institute to see where it was and where it needed to be.

Information strategy

The Information Discovery and maturity model informed our development of an Information Strategy which was structured around key themes important to the organisation, and mapped in three achievable stages. The Information Strategy led in turn to the development of an IT/ Microsoft 365 strategy and high-level roadmap.

Business benefits

Metataxis gained executive approval of the Maturity Model and Information Strategy and this was adopted and initiated by the institution. Our assessment of the information management capacity and capability gave impetus for the organisation to build an internal information management team. The Information Discovery exercise provided a sound foundation upon which to build a picture of the overall information maturity of the organisation, as well as providing the client with a greater understanding of their holdings. The client is now able to resource and implement their Information Strategy based on the recommendations Metataxis provided.

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